Tactics Explore pro tactics

Build Tactics for your CS:GO Team

Explore pro teams tactics and improve your game knowledge and teamplay by mastering nades and combos.


Easy to use Tactical Board

Draw multiple boards by tactic in a breeze of time. Easily set their positions across the map with the nades they need to throw.

Tactical board

Pro Teams

Get Inspired by the Pros

Accelerate your building team process by learning pro teams tactics. You can add them to your tactics and even edit them to make some variations that feet your needs.

Everything you need

Powerful Features

Zestrat is the perfect platform to progress consistently as a team and capitalize on what you've learned. No more messy google drives to organize your playbook !

Create playbooks
Organize your tactics into playbooks. Choose to share it to the community or make it private.
Invite your teammates
Invite your teammates to your playbook. They will have instant access to your tactics.
Copy pro tactics
Copy pro teams tactics and organize them into your playbooks.
Create awesome tactics with our tactical board. Create unlimited boards for one tactic.
Nades and combos
Explore our nades and combos and link them to your tactics. It's easier to remember !
Link Youtube videos
Sometimes, a video is way more efficient than a thousand words. Just link them to your tactics.
Roles management
Leader, Stratmaker, Soldier, Coach... Assign the role you need for each teammates.
Tags management
We know you like to keep your playbook clean and well organized.

Ready to dive in?
Start learning from pro today.