Overpass Left pillar molotov from waters

Discover usefull nades on Overpass and link them to your tactics !


Learn basics on Overpass

Accelerate your building team process by learning pro teams tactics on Overpass. You can add them to your tactics and even edit them to make some variations that feet your needs.


Usefull nades to learn on Overpass

The right nade at the right time can make your official matchs way more easier. Start exploring them now and link them to your tactics.

  • Barrels molotov from water
  • A long flash from van
  • B site smoke from multiple locations
  • Combo to take fountain control early round
    Flash, Smoke, Molotov, Combo
  • Bridge smoke from multiple locations
  • Combo to take B site from tracks
    Flash, Smoke, Molotov, Combo
  • Monster smoke from CT spawn
  • Combo sandbag molotovand sandwitch smoke from alley
    Smoke, Molotov, Combo
  • Water flash from squeaky
  • Sandwich smoke from alley

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